In this tutorial notebook we'll learn how to:

  • Plot the gaussian density for a specific $\mu$ and $\sigma$
  • Use the FloatSlider widget in ipywidgets to represent $\mu$ and $\sigma$ values
  • Layout the density plot along with the sliders using HBox and VBox layout objects available in ipywidgets
  • Link the sliders to the plot so that the plot gets updated when the values of $\mu$ and $\sigma$ change

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm

from ipywidgets import FloatSlider, HBox, VBox
import bqplot.pyplot as plt

In [ ]:
x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 200)
y = norm.pdf(x)

# plot the gaussian density
title_tmpl = 'Gaussian Density (mu = {} and sigma = {})'
pdf_fig = plt.figure(title=title_tmpl.format(0, 1))
pdf_line = plt.plot(x, y, 'm', stroke_width=3)

In [ ]:
# use two sliders to represent mu and sigma
mu_slider = FloatSlider(description='mu', value=0, min=-5, max=5, step=.1)
sigma_slider = FloatSlider(description='sigma', value=1, min=0.1, max=5, step=.1)

slider_layout = HBox([mu_slider, sigma_slider])

In [ ]:
def update_density(change):
    new_mu = mu_slider.value
    new_sigma = sigma_slider.value
    # update the y attribute of the plot with the new pdf
    # computed using new mu and sigma values
    pdf_line.y = norm.pdf(x, new_mu, new_sigma)
    # also update the fig title
    pdf_fig.title = title_tmpl.format(new_mu, new_sigma)

# register the above callback with the 'value' trait of the sliders
for slider in [mu_slider, sigma_slider]:
    slider.observe(update_density, 'value')

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# now put all the widgets together into a simple dashboard
# the plot should update now when the slider values are updated!
final_layout = VBox([pdf_fig, slider_layout])